Beverly Hills Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Pedestrian walking across the street

California is one of the most dangerous states regarding pedestrian fatalities. Most pedestrian injuries are preventable and are caused by drunk drivers, distracted driving, and other types of driver negligence. Pedestrian accident victims frequently suffer catastrophic injuries, resulting in significant medical bills, disability, or death. 

If you or someone you love has been injured in a pedestrian accident, it’s crucial that you reach out to an experienced attorney. Saeedian Law Group understands what it takes to obtain the maximum financial recovery for victims of life-changing pedestrian accidents. We will immediately begin investigating your case, gathering evidence, and developing an effective legal strategy.

Types of Pedestrian Accidents Claims Saeedian Law Group Handles

Distracted driving has become an epidemic in Beverly Hills and throughout the U.S. Drivers are often over-tired, over-stressed, and not focused on driving safely. However, distracted driving isn’t the only cause of pedestrian accidents. A pedestrian accident can happen in seconds when a driver isn’t focused on driving. 

Saeedian Law Group has an extensive background representing pedestrian victims in complex personal injury and wrongful death claims. We’ve successfully handled a variety of pedestrian accident claims, including those caused by:

  • Distracted driving, including texting while driving 
  • Malfunctioning road signals and signage
  • Pedestrian accidents involving buses
  • Pedestrian accidents involving trains
  • Drunk driving accidents involving rideshare vehicles
  • Pedestrian accidents involving motorcycles
  • Pedestrian accidents involving commercial trucks, and
  • Pedestrian accidents resulting in traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) or spinal cord injuries
  • Fatalities caused by pedestrian accidents

California’s Pedestrian Laws

To recover compensation in a pedestrian accident claim, you and your attorney will need to prove liability. Drivers are liable for injuries caused by their negligent, reckless, or intentional actions. Negligence means the failure to use reusable care under the circumstances to keep others on the road safe from injury. 

All drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists must obey California’s pedestrian laws. According to California Vehicle Code Section 21950, pedestrians don’t always have the right-of-way when crossing a road. Drivers must keep a proper lookout for pedestrians and yield the right-of-way to them when required under the law. Pedestrians also have an obligation to know and follow traffic rules to decrease the risk of accidents. For example, motor vehicles must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians crossing in a crosswalk. Drivers must slow down or stop to keep pedestrians lawfully using a crosswalk safely. 

Proving Liability in a Pedestrian Accident Claim

Having the right-of-way doesn’t relieve drivers or pedestrians from their legal obligation to exercise reasonable care for the safety of others on the road. When a driver breaks one of California’s pedestrian laws and collides with a pedestrian, the driver will be liable for the pedestrian’s damages. However, even if the driver who injured you didn’t violate a traffic law, you may still be entitled to compensation. For example, suppose a driver was overly fatigued and failed to stop in time to avoid colliding with you in a crosswalk. In that case, you can pursue compensation through an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. 

Steps to Take After a Pedestrian Accident in Beverly Hills

Being involved in an accident can be a jarring, intensely stressful experience. It isn’t easy to think clearly after being struck by a vehicle as a pedestrian. However, what you say and do at the accident scene can help or hurt the outcome of your subsequent compensation claim. Saeedian Law Group is prepared to help you protect your rights and pursue the most compensation possible by taking the following steps:

  • Call 911 and ask for an ambulance and a police officer to come to the accident scene
  • Take photos of the accident scene, property damage, your injuries, the road conditions, the vehicle that struck you, and any other significant evidence
  • Take photos of the at-fault driver’s driver’s license, insurance card, and license plate
  • Write down the names and phone numbers of eyewitnesses
  • Immediately visit the hospital, urgent care, or your doctor for a medical evaluation
  • Follow your doctor’s order, and don’t miss any doctor’s appointment
  • Maintain a journal about symptoms, your pain levels, and your recovery process
  • Don’t speak to the insurance adjuster or accept a settlement offer before you speak to an attorney
  • Do not post on social media
  • Contact a pedestrian accident attorney as soon as possible

The Benefits of Consulting with a Pedestrian Accident Attorney in Beverly Hills

The injuries sustained in pedestrian accidents are often catastrophic. Victims can incur significant medical expenses and lose the ability to earn an income due to their injuries. Insurance companies and defendants may try to coerce victims into providing a recording statement. These statements can be used to deny victims’ claims for compensation or limit the amount of compensation the victims receive. The defendant’s attorneys or insurance agents may comb through the victim’s social media profiles for posts and use them against the victim. 

Hiring an attorney after you receive medical attention can help you avoid these common pitfalls. The attorneys at Saeedian Law Group will handle all discussions and negotiations with the insurance company and defendant so you can focus on your recovery. We will help you craft a statement that protects your rights. 

We will also advise you on what steps you should and shouldn’t take to bolster your compensation claim. Evidence can and does disappear after pedestrian accidents. Our attorneys will immediately investigate to gather evidence while it remains available. We will also work with financial and medical experts to calculate your current and future damages carefully. 

Schedule an Initial Consultation with a Pedestrian Accident Attorney in Beverly Hills

If injuries caused by a pedestrian accident have left you with steep medical bills and unable to work, it’s important you reach out to an experienced attorney. Working with a skilled attorney will give your legal claim the best chance of success. The Beverly Hills attorneys at Saeedian Law Group are prepared to help you navigate the claims process and pursue maximum compensation from all liable parties. Contact Saeedian Law Group to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.