Pedestrian Accident

A person lays on the road

Beverly Hills residents enjoy many different shopping complexes, parks, and walkways. When motor vehicle drivers are distracted, pedestrian accidents can occur. Victims of pedestrian accidents can suffer catastrophic injuries as they don’t have any real protection against motor vehicles.

If you or your loved one have been seriously injured in a pedestrian accident in Beverly Hills, you’ll benefit from speaking to an attorney. Victims can seek compensation from the at-fault party or those whose negligence caused their injuries. At Saeedian Law Group, our legal team provides victims with compassionate, effective legal counsel. We will pursue the full amount of compensation you deserve for your damages.

Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian accidents include any type of accident involving a pedestrian. Most pedestrian accidents involve a motor vehicle driver colliding with a pedestrian walking on the street, sidewalk, or intersection. Under certain circumstances, people on bicycles, scooters, rollerblades, and skateboards can also be considered pedestrians. 

Generally, California law favors pedestrians when accidents occur. Unless the pedestrian acted negligently or violated traffic laws, the driver who struck the pedestrian will likely be at fault for the accident. Some pedestrian accidents involve a pedestrian colliding with a bicyclist or scooter rider. 

Injuries Caused By Pedestrian Accidents

After being involved in a pedestrian accident, you may experience shock and an adrenaline rush. These conditions can make it difficult to determine the full extent of your injuries accurately. The adrenaline surging through your body may make you think that you are not injured because it covers up the pain you would otherwise be feeling. Undergoing a medical examination, whether at the emergency room or from your medical doctor, can help you ascertain the level of injuries you’ve suffered. 

In some cases, serious injuries are noticeable immediately, such as compound fractures. Other injuries, such as neck injuries and lower back damage, may take days or even several weeks to become fully apparent. You may want to keep a notebook and write down all the symptoms you experience daily. 

You should also include the days you’ve had to take time off work and any activities you can no longer participate in because of your injuries. If you have hospital bills to pay, you will likely need to miss out on work and time spent with your family. A pedestrian accident’s long-term financial, physical, and emotional consequences can be severe, but speaking to an attorney can help you pursue compensation for all of your medical expenses and other damages. 

What To Do After Being Injured in a Pedestrian Accident in Beverly Hills

If you’ve been involved in a pedestrian accident, the most important thing you should do is receive immediate medical treatment. Pursuing medical treatment will help you recover and prove that your injuries were caused by the pedestrian accident. If you can do so safely, you should take photos of the accident scene, including pictures of any factors that contributed to the accident. You should also request a copy of the police report. 

After you’ve received medical treatment, speaking to a Beverly Hills pedestrian accident attorney can help you determine whether you have a valid claim for compensation. The attorneys at Saeedian Law Group have successfully represented clients who’ve been injured in roadways, crosswalks, and intersections. We will listen carefully to the facts of your case and begin investigating the accident to preserve important evidence, increasing the likelihood that you will obtain the highest settlement amount possible.

Proving Liability After a Pedestrian Accident

Most pedestrian accidents are caused by negligence. Drivers are more distracted than ever, and pedestrians are more difficult to see than motor vehicles. Pedestrians’ risk of injury increases when there are dangerous road conditions, weather conditions such as rain, or improperly marked crosswalks. 

As with all types of personal injury claims, proving who was responsible for the accident is paramount. If the driver of the motor vehicle who collided with you was obviously responsible for your accident, you should be able to recover compensation for your injuries. When the circumstances leading up to the accident are unclear, the at-fault party may try to claim that you were partially or fully responsible for causing the accident. 

It is possible for pedestrians to be partially or fully responsible for pedestrian accidents. However, as long as you weren’t aimlessly walking through the road and you were abiding by traffic laws, the other party will likely be responsible for your injuries. An attorney can help you begin gathering evidence quickly so it doesn’t disappear. Witnesses may forget the details of the accident, so it’s important to get their contact information. An attorney can also help you gather all available photo and video evidence of the accident, including CCTV footage. 

We Will Handle Your Insurance Claim from Start to Finish

After an accident, the insurance adjusters of the at-fault driver will usually try to contact the victims early on. They will ask you to provide a recorded statement and may try to interrogate you. They aim to minimize the severity of your injuries or claim that you caused the accident yourself so the negligent party will not have to pay you compensation. 

Speaking to an attorney before you provide a recorded statement and begin talking to the insurance company can help you protect your claim for compensation. The attorneys at Saeedian Law Group have an in-depth understanding of insurance companies’ tactics to avoid paying victims the compensation they deserve. We know how to negotiate with insurance companies to obtain the most compensation for pedestrian accident victims.

Discuss Your Case with an Experienced Pedestrian Accident Attorney

If you or your loved one have been seriously injured in a pedestrian accident in Beverly Hills, you aren’t alone. The attorneys at Saeedian Law Group are prepared to advocate for you and level the playing field. We will handle every aspect of your case, including contacting and negotiating with the insurance adjusters. You only have a limited amount of time to pursue a claim for compensation. Don’t hesitate to contact Saeedian Law Group to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation and learn more about your legal rights and options.