Bus Accident

A bus gets into an accident on the side of the road

Southern California’s public transportation system may not be as well-used as those on the East Coast, but many people depend on local bus systems to get to and from work. Unfortunately, bus accidents in Beverly Hills and throughout California are far too common. Most bus accidents are caused by one or more parties’ negligence or recklessness.

If you or your loved one have been injured in a Beverly Hills bus accident, it’s crucial that you reach out to an attorney as soon as possible. Saeedian Law Group will help you understand whether you have a valid claim for compensation. We will also help you understand what your claim may be worth and pursue the most compensation possible in your case.

Accidents Caused By the Bus Driver’s Negligence 

As with other types of traffic-related accidents, bus accidents can occur on Beverly Hills roadways in multiple ways. There are also several potential sources of liability. The government entities that provide intercity and intracity bus services are considered common carriers. These buses carry passengers on regular routes, making their services available to the general public. As a result, municipal bus service providers are regulated under California and federal law.

City bus drivers are required to obtain a commercial driver’s license (CDL) to operate a public bus on public roadways. Under federal regulations, bus drivers must complete multiple tasks to maintain their eligibility to drive buses. They need to undergo regular physical screenings and drug and alcohol testing. They must also perform pre-trip inspections to make sure the bus is safe and does not need any maintenance before each trip.

Despite the additional license and training requirements for bus drivers, bus drivers regularly commit negligent actions that can cause accidents. For example, bus drivers may fail to yield to oncoming traffic. They may fail to check their blind spots when they change lanes, drive too fast for road conditions, or drive while intoxicated by alcohol or controlled substances. 

Victims who’ve been injured by criminal activity after being dropped off at a bus stop in an unreasonably dangerous area may be able to hold the carrier responsible for their injuries. Victims of negligent bus drivers and service providers can include passengers on the bus, pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, and the occupants of other vehicles.

Accidents Caused By Negligent Third-Party Motorists

Bus drivers can be involved in accidents that are not their fault. Even when bus drivers pay careful attention to the road and drive safely, other drivers on the road can engage in negligent or risky driving practices and collide with the bus. Some of the most common examples of negligent driving include speeding, running red lights, distracted driving, and alcohol impairment. Buses are massive compared to other vehicles on the road. As a result, occupants of smaller passenger vehicles are at a higher risk of being injured or killed in bus accidents.

Injuries Caused By Slip and Fall Accidents on the Bus or at the Bus Station

Not all bus-related accidents involve a motor vehicle collision. Bus passengers can become seriously injured from slipping and falling on a bus or at the bus station. Under state and federal regulations, common carriers have a legal obligation to their passengers. The responsibility begins when the passenger enters a bus station or arrives at a bus stop. Their legal obligation only ends when the driver safely drops the passenger off. 

One of their responsibilities is ensuring the bus walkway and the bus station premises are reasonably safe. Walkways should be free from debris, clutter, and other obstacles that could cause a person to become injured after slipping or tripping. Additionally, passengers may become injured when walking down a bus aisle if the driver stops abruptly. Passengers may be entitled to compensation if a common carrier has injured them.

Injuries Caused by Mechanical Failures with Buses in Beverly Hills

In other cases, victims can become injured when buses are poorly maintained or manufactured negligently. For example, if a bus has brakes that need to be replaced and aren’t replaced, and the bus driver cannot prevent an accident by stopping, victims have a right to pursue compensation from the negligent bus company. 

Similarly, bus manufacturers and distributors must ensure their buses are reasonably safe for consumers. Finally, maintenance workers need to use reasonable care when working on buses and can be held liable when their negligence causes accidents resulting in injuries.

Who Is Liable for My Injuries After a Beverly Hills Bus Accident?

Multiple parties can be held liable for injuries caused by a bus accident. Bus drivers and the bus company that employs them must use reasonable care to keep their paying passengers safe. 

Negligent passengers do not cause most bus accidents, so in many cases, the bus company will be liable for the passengers’ injuries. Depending on the type of bus involved, there could be multiple parties and companies who can be held liable in addition to the bus driver. There are three main categories of buses in Beverly Hills:

  • Intercity buses specializing in long-distance travel
  • Transit buses geared toward local communities
  • School buses which transport students to local schools and other school events

If you were involved in an accident involving a public bus, you may have the right to pursue compensation from the responsible local government Authority. The time limits for informing the local government that you intend to pursue a claim are stringent. For that reason, it’s essential that you speak to an attorney as soon as possible. The attorneys at Saeedian Law Group can help you determine whether you have the right to hold a municipality accountable or whether you have the right to pursue a personal injury lawsuit in a civil district court. You may be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, disability, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Contact a Bus Accident Attorney in Beverly Hills

Navigating the process of recovering compensation after a bus accident can be difficult. The attorneys at Saeedian Law Group Are prepared to help you understand your rights, identify which party or parties are liable for your injuries, and pursue the most compensation possible. Don’t hesitate to contact Saeedian Law Group to schedule a complimentary case evaluation.