A woman looking at her phone while driving

Why You Need an Attorney for Your Distracted Driving Case

Distracted driving claimed the lives of over 3,500 individuals in 2021 alone and led to countless injury and non-injury wrecks, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In fact, the simple act of a driver taking their eyes off of the road to read or send a text can make it 23 times more likely that a crash will occur.

Public service announcements and other efforts have been made to warn drivers of distracted driving’s dangers. Yet people still engage in this behavior, putting themselves and others at risk. When a crash results from these actions, California law allows you and others hurt in the wreck to pursue a claim for compensation against the driver. 

However, the right to file a claim does not mean obtaining the compensation you need is easy. Here is why you need the help of an experienced Los Angeles personal injury lawyer to obtain the compensation you deserve.

How Your Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Receiving compensation for your losses involves first proving negligence. Once proven, it’s vital to negotiate your settlement to cover all of your applicable losses. And if the settlement fails, taking your claim to court can follow.

Your lawyer can protect your interests at every step in this legal landscape in the following ways:

Gathering Evidence of Distracted Driving

You may suspect the at-fault driver was texting and driving, but if your claim for damages is contested, you must prove this happened before receiving damages. 

This could involve subpoenaing cell phone records, interviewing witnesses to the crash, and recovering videotaped statements made by the at-fault driver to police. Your attorney has the skills and knowledge to accomplish these tasks efficiently.

Strengthening your claim through evidence is crucial to successfully resolving your case, and you will need to start the process of gathering evidence right away. Your attorney will not only know what evidence is available, but also how to secure it for your use.

Negotiating a Fair Settlement for Your Claim

Most car accident injury claims result in a settlement between the at-fault party and the injury victim, and distracted driving claims are no different. Settlements benefit injury victims and defendants alike and are often the most expedient way of resolving claims and lawsuits.

However, reaching a settlement with the distracted driver and their insurance company that adequately compensates you can be complicated. Not only must you fully understand your present and future losses stemming from the wreck, but you must also appreciate the strength of your bargaining position. 

Knowing when to press for more compensation and when to accept an offer that is made is not as simple as it may seem. Your attorney can be an experienced advisor and negotiator, helping you reach an appropriate settlement. Your lawyer can also advise when settling is impossible and what your next steps should be.

Taking Your Case to Court

If a settlement cannot be reached, your claim for damages may proceed to court. Guiding a claim through the legal process is complex and can involve numerous, time-sensitive steps. Failing to follow the proper procedures or to take action when needed can lead to a delay in your case or, in extreme situations, a denial of your claim. 

Your attorney can ensure your claim has the best possible chance to reach a successful conclusion.

Finding the Right Los Angeles Distracted Driving Attorney

If you or a loved one has been hurt by a distracted driver, the Los Angeles personal injury law firm of Saeedian Law Group may be able to help. Our experienced team can oversee all aspects of investigating, filing, and pursuing your injury claim while you focus on recovering and moving forward with your life.

Contact Saeedian Law Group to schedule a free consultation with a compassionate and seasoned distracted driving lawyer today.